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The suspense of the future is important because it allows us to appreciate life and experience emotions. Knowing the future would make life senseless and rob us of the joy of experiencing things for the first time. While we can predict some situations, we lose more than we gain by knowing the future. The article encourages readers to appreciate the suspense of the future and not to open the envelope with their date of death.

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Many people suffer from a lack of motivation in life, which can be caused by various reasons. Some people don't like what they do, while others struggle to start doing something. To overcome this, individuals need to change their perspective, find their willpower, and sort out their minds to make decisions and solve problems.

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This article discusses why some parents believe that their children's lives depend on them. It argues that while parents should be appreciated for their efforts, giving birth is a natural process and does not make them big brothers. The article encourages new generations to avoid repeating old mistakes and to respect their parents while maintaining their own opinions.

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